Made Pasta Making Easy! #Takatack (closed)

Making pasta sauce is sometimes tiring, and requires time and concentration to get that perfect taste you’re after. Most of the time, I’m the one responsible for making merienda meals for my kids, and because of my work and the time constriction, it involves I couldn’t devote time to make my sauce.

Clara Ole Sweet Style

            I decided to find a quick, delicious, and got-to-love alternative! So I found the Clara Ole Sweet Style Pasta Sauce sold by I was skeptical at trying it at first because I believed that you can’t enjoy pasta if not cooked by heart, and the easiest way isn’t always the best. Contrary to that belief, it did serve its description! My kids love the taste and I think they love it better than my personal sauce!

            For Php23.75 for 250 grams, we got ourselves one of the best pasta sauces you can get out there! Additionally, the service was fast! Got it 3 days later. Keep the service up, your fans appreciate it! Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Home cooked meals really are the best especially when the family is comoplete
