Jobs You Can Do At Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jobs You Can Do At Home During the Pandemic

With the threat of COVID-19 still lingering worldwide, people are struggling to open or even continue their business. I see closed stores left and right, department stores all closed, and the ones opened in the malls are supermarkets and pharmacies.

But since most people are stuck at home, they try to do business at home or work at home, and most people are very successful in doing it.  According to the US Chamber website, there are indeed some pandemic-friendly business ideas. Here they are: 

Online Tutoring.  I heard a local high school student earned a lot during the pandemic because she offered online tutoring to kids. It’s currently summer time in the Philippines and I can see online summer classes left and right like online art classes for kids, online English/Math/Science classes for kids, even online business classes for adults. I really believe after the pandemic, online education will continue because of its flexible schedules and convenience to the clients.

Online Selling. This can be subdivided into 2 groups as I mentioned in my previous blog post about working from home; selling products or selling services.  Everyone I know even my friends and neighbors opted to sell online. My neighbors would sell cooked food, some would sell fruits and vegetables, and some would sell their second hand household items such as computer tables, computer chairs, wooden tables, refrigerator, etc.  For a much bigger platform and bigger audience, ecommerce apps/websites such as Lazada or Shopee have merchants who do online live selling which they sell clothes, perfumes, bath essentials, jewelries, etc.

Blogging/Influencer/Digital Creator.  Some bloggers who have a wider range of audience (those who have 1000+ readers daily) have high earning capabilities same with influencers with very high Instagram followers.  It’s also the same with YouTube ;the more subscribers you have, the better chances of earning. Brands usually reach out to them to post about their products for exposure in exchange of products and cash. Part of the brand’s customer acquisition cost is their budget for influencers and bloggers because online influencers nowadays have a high impact on sales of a certain product.

Video Editing. These are the people that successful YouTubers/influencers hire.  They’re the ones who create/edit videos for them to be posted on Instagram and YouTube. I would often see a lot of openings for video editors in online job sites even during the pandemic started.

Software Engineers/Programmers/ Database Administrators. Since ecommerce boosted its way up during the pandemic, a lot of businesses such as supermarkets, pharmacies, even toy stores started to go sell online, too, and they needed website creators, database administrators, even programmers to get their website started where they have their own “Add to cart” system and payment system.

Customer service representatives/Tech Support. Yes, this is still on-going even before the pandemic. But now more than ever, they customers still need to talk to someone for their after-sales support.

Virtual Assistants. I believe there’s more virtual assistants now more than ever. These are the secretaries, transcriptionists, office clerks who do their jobs virtually or those who do their jobs at home.


These are just some of the jobs that I know are still strong despite the pandemic. Do you want to add something in the list? Please leave them in the comment section below and let’s discuss it.

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