10 Tips to Induce Self-Love

Me looking up

It's the new year and we're still in a pandemic. Do you still feel positive or are you like me who is starting to feel a bit low? I have to admit when I lost my job, I felt scared to welcome the new year. I believe it's a normal reaction to anyone especially if you have a family, but I thought to myself I can still look for another job and just appreciate what I have now which is having a healthy family. 

One important thing I learned during this pandemic is self-love is as significant as taking care of your family. According to Psychology Today, self-love comprises four aspects: self-awareness, self-worth, self-esteem and self-care. That's why I welcomed an article by John Adams about self-love which, I believe, is a timely article for all of us:

It is human nature to disregard what you have and chase what you don’t. This attitude encourages us to overlook all the positives and highlight all the negatives in our life. There comes a time when all we identify with is flaws and insecurities. The things we strive for do not leave us happy or satisfied at the end of the day, and again we blame ourselves. The only thing we forget to pay attention to is our well-being. If you want to improve yourself in and out, and be cherished and appreciated, you have got to start loving yourself. Here’s how:

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Every person on this planet is unique and that is something to be proud of. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, so it is foolish of us to gauge ourselves on the basis of unrealistic beauty standards that prevail the society. It is important to be comfortable in your own skin and be confident the way you are. Be yourself and never find solace by turning into a copycat. 

Forgive Yourself

Sometimes we have to play two roles at a time: an alleged criminal and his/her criminal defense lawyer. Every person makes mistakes, big or small, intentionally and unintentionally. Making good and bad choices is part of life, and the experiences make us who we are. You can either keep repenting endlessly, or work on being the best version of yourself; you will need to forgive yourself and have faith in ‘you’ for accomplishing the latter. 

Take a Break

Stop trying too hard and aiming for perfection. It is okay to slack off sometimes and forget about responsibilities temporarily. Allow yourself to take a breather once in a while and actually rest. If you feel like you need a break, it shows that you have been doing enough, so give yourself a pat on the back.

Take care of yourself

If you want to feel good, start taking care of your mental and physical health. Do you have a skincare routine? Do you get any amount of exercise everyday? Are you eating nutritious and balanced meals? When was the last time you did something nice solely for yourself? If you haven’t done any of the mentioned things lately, no wonder you don’t like yourself. 

Get Rid of Toxicity

Toxic memories, people, and relationships in our life prevent us from embracing self-love. If anyone among friends, family, professional contacts, and other acquaintances belittle or berate you, perhaps it is time to cut off ties and move on. Surround yourself with people who respect you and accept you the way you are. 

Pour out Your Feelings on Paper

The key to self-love is getting to know who you are and spending quality time with yourself. You can do this by starting a journal, where you record all the good and bad moments of your day. You express how you feel and later contemplate on those feelings. 

Challenge Yourself

There are several things you can do, but your hesitations and inane concerns always get the best of you. It is time to exit your comfort zone and put yourself to the test. You will never overcome your fears if you don’t bother to try. 

Try New Things

Change may seem scary, but it can be life-changing in the best way. If you never open yourself to new experiences or take risks, you will never learn the meaning of ‘fun’. When a person has fun, he/she falls in love with life itself, which is the embodiment of our existence. 

Give Yourself some Credit

You cannot be useless if you came this far. Celebrate all your achievements, no matter how small or insignificant they look at first glance. Take credit for everything you do for your loved ones; know that you deserve every praise and compliment. 

Learn to say ‘No’

Caring for people around you is awesome, but you cannot give all of you to charity. Sometimes it is necessary to say ‘No’ to others and focus on your own dreams, hopes, desires, and passions. Always saying ‘Yes’ or always saying ‘No’ is equally destructive – the key is to maintain a balance. 

Author Bio

John Adams is a lifestyle blogger who creates content focused on healthcare and personal well-being. He encourages readers to take care of their body and mind to live an ideal life. He also stresses on improving one’s quality of life via positive thoughts and actions. Blogging about personal opinions and life experiences makes John happy, and he is always open to constructive criticism.

1 comment:

  1. Thank sa mga tips na ito dahil paalala din talaga ito satin na need natin bigyan ng time ang mga self natin☺️🥰🥰
