How To Care For Bleached Hair

You’ve gone for the plunge, you’ve decided to lighten your hair – whether you’re dying your hair platinum or a bold statement shade, you’ve been waiting for this moment forever! But needless to say, bleaching your hair can do some serious damage to your locks. It’s up to you to treat them and banish the frizz. After all, no one wants fried hair – it’s not a good look!

You’re putting your hair through some tough, chemical-charged treatment when you are bleaching it. This can lead to brassy tones and fried strands, and what with trends such as pearl colored hair and silvery greys making the cut, you need to know how to keep them pristine and pretty!

1. Don’t try this at home

Please, please, don’t attempt any bleaching at home, especially if you have virgin hair! Remember 2012, when ombré was an upcoming trend and everyone on Tumblr was DIY’ing it? Well doing it yourself will cause even more damage – you don’t necessarily have the right products to do it, and, well, you’re not an expert! Bleaching hair takes time and investment, and is a long-lasting thing, so make sure you have a top stylist by your side taking you through the process!

2. Don’t over-bleach the ends

We all want our hair to look picture-perfect, and we constantly want to touch up on the color. However, over-bleaching your ends can cause breakage and split ends, it will damage the hair’s structure – bleach is strong stuff! Ask your stylist when bleaching your ends to leave them out of the foils, to avoid over-processing them and making the ends break off!

3. Lay off the heat styling tools

Bleach + heat = a catastrophe! Regularly using heat styling tools on bleached hair is going to make the hair even more fragile and cause breakage. Find ways to work round this – do you really have to curl your hair every day? Air dry your hair or wear it up in a cute braided ponytail to avoid the temptation.

4. Use hair masks

With any color treatment, whether it is bleached or not, your hair needs attention and pampering. The coloring process is a lot of work for your hair, so treat it to a deep-conditioning mask, or one especially for bleached hair, and leave it in for 15 minutes as this rebuilds strength and moisturizes your hair.

5. Don’t over-wash your hair

Though this is true of any hair type, don’t over-wash bleached hair. Again, this can make the hair strands more dry and fragile and cause havoc. Instead, wash it every 2 to 3 days, and in the meantime, use dry shampoo, that way you are encouraging your hair to keep its natural oils and will help your hair look hydrated and silky!

6. Don’t forget toner

Toners or purple shampoos will never leave your side when you have bleached hair. Toner allows your hair to maintain its brightness and lightness, and banishes those dreaded brassy tones. Though toners have a longer lasting effect, purple shampoos are perfect for every wash day, and help your hair color to look as intense as it did on day 1 – you can wave goodbye to dull hair.

7. Use hair oils

Your hair is going to be dry after a bleaching session, so it’s going to need all the help it can get. Use hair oils before or after your shower to hydrate and soothe your hair. Hair oils help you keep the frizz at bay and gives you that silky, luxurious effect you long for. Argan oils and coconut oils are bathroom cupboard must-haves, and they smell divine!

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