Fun Way to Learn Math For Kids

Fun Ways to Learn Math

Mathematics is a challenging subject for many individuals, but educators often suggest that starting children early is key to success. This adage holds some truth, as early exposure to numbers through tools such as kiddie flashcards can help familiarize toddlers with mathematical concepts. Fortunately, modern technology has provided children with even more engaging and entertaining educational games to aid in their mathematical development.

As a child, I found great joy in pressing the buttons of our old calculator and playing pretend as a cashier. At the time, we didn't have any toy cash registers available, so I had to make do with my trusty calculator and a few dolls as my customers. Despite the lack of fancy toys, I was able to use my imagination and create my own little world of make-believe retail. Looking back, those simple moments of play helped to foster my creativity and problem-solving skills, which have served me well in my adult life.

Playing as a Cashier

toy cashier

Like I mentioned, thanks to modern technology, kids can actually enjoy being a cashier using this game called “Grocery Cashier.” The gamer simply has to enter the correct prices of the items or the numbers won’t be punched through. Once everything is added correctly, you collect the payment, and then you have to give the correct change. That’s it! I’m a parent and I also enjoyed playing it just for the fun of it. I’m sure your kids would love it, too, especially if they love pretending to be a cashier.

 Learning How to Compute Customer Change

I usually love receiving money from customers while doing the pretend-play as a cashier, but giving change is a different story. It takes a bit of mental mathematics to master it if you don’t have a calculator beside you. Of course, after doing it for so long, you can already master it. But when I was a kid, I would scratch my head while counting how much should I give back to the customer. If you want your kid to practice calculating change, this “Cash Back” game is a fun way to learn it. I think this is also good for your kid if he will be inheriting a store or a business from you in the future.

Lego with a Hint of Math


I recently discovered the existence of a game that may pique the interest of Lego enthusiasts. Best of all, it’s free! If your child is a fan of Lego, then they are in for a real treat with "LEGO City AdventuresBuild And Protect." Although I am not particularly fond of Lego, I found myself thoroughly enjoying this game. The objective is to construct a city using Lego pieces, but with a budget constraint, it requires strategic planning and cost management. But still, it’s fun to play with so I’m sure your kids will love it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. As parents, you have the power to choose how to educate your child, whether it be through traditional methods or incorporating educational games. It's important to remember that every child is unique, and as such, it's up to you to determine the best approach for your child's learning. Trust your instincts and choose what works best for your family. 

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