How To Achieve A Wet Curly Hair Look

It's quite challenging to maintain a nice curly hair because curly hair can get frizzy time to time. Perhaps you prefer the hair look after taking a shower and it's all wet. And you may have seen that “wet” look on many celebrities. Do you want to capture the same wet curly hair look? How can you make it look like that when it's dry? It's not very difficult to achieve that look. All you need is to add some kind of hair products. Wavy and curly hair texture requires maintenance to keep defined curls and wet look. Hair maintenance is a must and if you fail on your hair care, it can easily get dry and tangled. Read on to know how to get that beautiful wet curly hair look.

Prepare your hair. If you just get out of the shower and still have wet hair dripping on your clothes, blow dry or air dry your hair until it's damp. Do not dry your hair at all with a towel when you get out. Let it air dry completely either while loose or after twisting or doing bantu knots. Or if you have dry curly hair, Part your hair into two sections. Start combing it out so you can detangle everything. Get your spray bottle to wet your curly hair and use your fingers to work it in. if necessary, use the brush to help even out the water into your hair. Not to much, just spray it enough to where it is very damp. Do not make your hair to be soaking wet. If it's too wet, the hair products may not stick. If it's not wet enough, it's hard to achieve the wet look.

Apply hair products. Put a blanket over your shoulder so you don't mess up your beautiful outfit. Once you have the hair damp, take your Denman brush to brush all those curls out. Make the curls look uniform. Spray some water if you need to. Now that you have everything brushed out, apply herbal oil all over the hair to make your hair sleek and shiny. The curly hair oil really helps lock in moisture make it look really sleek. Next take some styling gel and apply it all over your hair. You don't have to use too much gel but you do want to use a good amount. So the wet curly style will last and it will give a good hold. Next if you want to have extra hold, you can use some styling spritz mostly on the top of your head.

1.To get the sleek wet hair look, there are plenty of hair products you could choose from. The products mentioned above are not the only choice. You could totally choose other types. For example, you can just start off by taking water bottle and spray your hair. Put the leave-in conditioner that you use for your own natural virgin hair on the wig hair, and spray it down. it's not oily at all and then use your Denman brush to pull the product through and enhance the curls. And lastly, put some mousse on it by herbal essence. You could have this look for a long time. Take full advantage of the hair products on your hands and seek for the best combination of products for your curly hair.

2.How and what you wash your hair with makes all the difference in the world. Apply your styling products while you are still in the shower. Apply a regular thick conditioner with a lot of slip, leave-in conditioner and some type of styling pudding or cream. Use a wide tooth comb in the shower to detangle at the same time. Run your head under the water for just a second to rinse off excess product and squeeze as much water and product out as you can. These products help to keep the moisture in your hair so it never completely dries out. You'll find the right amount of hair products after a few tries.

3. I believe lots of people are curious to know how it looks when the hair dries. How long does it keep the wet look? Was it still this look after a couple hours? Well, it's not possible that this wet curly hair look could last all day long especially when you use the wrong products. Therefore, how long this look can maintain depends on lots of elements, such as hair products, the surroundings and how you fiddle with your hair. If your hair starts to dry during the day, make sure to dampen it again to avoid frizz. Frizz is caused by too little hydration rather than too much.

4. Detangle in the shower. Hair is weaker when wet and detangling is easier. If you do it while its dry you will have a higher chance of ripping your hair, and you will have to spend more time detangling anyway. Both of these lead to frizz especially for curly hair. Therefore, always detangle your curly hair when they are wet. Stay out your hair as much as possible. Do low manipulation styles like twist outs or braid outs in order to keep your hair looking good without a lot of maintenance. Keep fiddling with your hair will lead to frizz too.

If you do like the beautiful wet and wavy textured look, experiment with the curly method and notes mentioned above and maybe this will work for you. Find out what works the best for you. But this wet hair look isn't exactly a style for every day. Saturating your hair with too much hair Perruque products is going to weigh down your hair strands with lots of buildup. So make sure wash your hair more often or use some clarifying shampoo to cleanse the hair. Only you take good care of them, they can last longer. What's your method to achieve this wet curly hair look? Share with us in the comments.

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